Sexual Harassment


Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer

At Riggins Law, we have successfully litigated numerous sexual harassment claims and taken on some of the most influential individuals in Hollywood. Contact our Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer today for a free consultation.

Sexual Harassment

Federal and state law prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and takes two forms: quid pro quo and a hostile work environment.

Quid pro quo” harassment is where an employer conditions a job benefit (e.g., promotion or raise) upon sexual favors. To establish quid pro quo harassment, a Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer must show: (1) that a supervisor with authority over the employee subjected them to unwelcome sexual advances, conduct, or comments and (2) the employee’s reaction to the harassment affected the employee’s compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. For example, a sexual harassment claim exists where an employee refuses their supervisor’s advances and is demoted.

In contrast, “hostile environment” sexual harassment is where the sexual conduct unreasonably interferes with an employee’s work performance and creates an offensive work environment. To establish a hostile environment sexual harassment claim, an employee must show: (1) they were subjected to unwelcome sexual advances, conduct, or comments based on their sex, and (2) that the harassment was so severe or pervasive as to create an abusive work environment.

Examples of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment can take many forms. Our Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer can evaluate your specific situation. Here is a non-exhaustive list of conduct that constitutes sexual harassment:

  • sexual advances or requests for sexual favors
  • unwanted touching
  • offensive sexual remarks
  • displaying sexually explicit pictures or videos
  • gender-related comments about appearance or mannerisms

Our Sexual Harassment Lawyer Can Help

If you have been subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace, we can help. To evaluate your situation and determine the appropriate legal remedies, contact our sexual harassment lawyer for a free consultation.

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