Disability Discrimination


Pasadena Disability Discrimination Lawyer

Discrimination based on disability is prohibited by state and federal law. Unfortunately, however, disability discrimination continues to be among the most commonly reported types of discrimination in the workplace. Our Los Angeles disability discrimination attorney has represented numerous workers and can help you today.

Who is protected?

Under California law, an employer may not discriminate against an individual because of a “physical disability, mental disability, or medical condition.” These terms encompass a broad range of chronic and temporary conditions. For instance, the law protects individuals with cancer and mental/emotional illnesses, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and stress disorders. Additionally, the law protects individuals with a physiological disease, disorder, condition, cosmetic disfiguration, or anatomical loss that limits their ability to participate in a major life activity. Major life activities include working, walking, seeing, breathing, and learning, and such disabilities include HIV/AIDS, epilepsy, seizure disorders, and diabetes. This is a non-exhaustive list, and every situation is unique. Contact our Los Angeles disability discrimination attorney to determine if you are protected under the disability laws.

What constitutes disability discrimination?

Disability discrimination includes a wide range of conduct. For instance, an employer may not refuse to hire an employee because of their disability. Similarly, an employer may not fire an employee because they requested accommodations or a medical leave. The law also prohibits an employer from considering disability when it comes to promotions, compensation, and job training. Lastly, it is important to note that the law prohibits discrimination against an employee regarded or perceived as disabled or because of an individual’s record or history of an impairment.

What are reasonable accommodations?

The law requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for disabled workers unless doing so would be an undue hardship. In other words, an employer must consider, for instance, granting an extended leave of absence, restructuring job duties, or offering part-time or modified work schedules to accommodate a disabled worker. Furthermore, when an employee can work with reasonable accommodations, an employer cannot require that the employee take a leave of absence instead.

Our Los Angeles Disability Discrimination Attorney

If your employer has refused to provide you accommodations or terminated your employment because of your disability, we can help. Our Los Angeles disability discrimination attorney has represented numerous employees in disability discrimination cases and can advise you on your legal rights. Contact our office today for a free consultation.

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